The festival is a favourite with most Indians for being the most colourful and joyous of all. Holi is the time when people from all castes and social strata come together forgetting all past differences and grievances. One could get away with almost anything on this day squirting coloured water on passers-by and dunking friends in the mud pool saying "bura na mano, Holi hai" (don't feel offended, it's Holi). Holi is also synonymous with bhang, which is consumed by many in the form of ladoos and ghols. People go around in streets, with tin drums, armed with tonnes of colours and big syringes filled with coloured water and at the end of the day no one will even remotely resemble themselves. Both the young and the old enjoy throwing water balloons, dry colours, and washable dyes on anyone in sight on the day of the Holi. Smearing colours on friends and dear ones is the basic idea of Holi, no one is spared. But he was brought to life again when his wife, Goddess Parvati, implored Shiva for mercy. Holi is also an occasion for the celebration of the burning of Kama, the Hindu cupid, with the fire that emanated from Lord Shiva's third eye. This is the Holika that is burnt the night before Holi as the triumph of the good over evil. And yet when she questions her nephew Prahlad's devotion to the ultimate of Gods, Vishnu and threatens to walk through fire with the intention to destroy the prince, she is herself consumed by the fire whereas the prince comes out unscathed. This is the one about Holika who believed herself to be immuned to death by fire. Depicted in miniature paintings as a festival popular amongst Krishna and his Gopis (milkmaids), Holi has been instrumental in providing colour in many lives. Legends also associate this festival with the later years of Krishna's amorous life. The effigy of Pootna burnt the night before, therefore, ends up signifying death itself just as Pootna typifies winter and darkness. It is said that the festival is also a celebration of the death of Pootna - the demon who nearly killed Lord Krishna. Krishna's presence in Holi is undisputed. Without Krishna and his lover Radha there can be no Holi So Krishna's love is the epitome of the freshness of youth amidst all its playfulness. And yet this icon of love spends most of his time seeking out his only lover Radha. Krishna is the ultimate lover with his 'gopikas', who are a bunch of beautiful women that Krishna forever seems to be chasing. This is a festival that is as much a gateway to celebrate the arrival of spring as much as it is a way to celebrate the season of love. Holi is also associated with the immortal love of Krishna and Radha, the day begins with worshipping Krishna by lovingly smearing his idol with 'gulal' - the colours used to play Holi.